At least it will be as Cari's boyfriend/master, Hal, experiences with his first OBE in a long time...
This is also about double of my last post, coming in at 1200 words, while the whole chapter is a bit over 4500. There's more narrative, mainly because it's all Hal up to this point, until he meets the 'others' not long after where this post stops.
The full-body vibrations started sometime in the night. It was the same every
time and didn’t matter if there had been a lull of a decade or more between
experiences. The sensation was like a signature and Hal knew he was about to
go out of body.
He’d never been one to learn how to control them, to leave his body by will
alone. That was too much work. He liked to do that spiritual stuff the easy
way, when Spirit wanted it to happen, instead of by his impetus. And so, it
had been a good ten years since the last OBE, or “Out of Body Experience”,
and this time he was gonna go beyond the bedroom, even if he had to wake up
Cari and make it happen by magic. As it turned out, that wasn’t necessary,
and his subtle-body rotated to a floating upright position, just before the
walls dissolved and he was outside.
He could see the beach nearby, but didn’t really hear it. Sound like that
just wasn’t important in that state. Even when communicating with any other
entity Out There, sound was not used. He had learned a weird form of telepathy
years back, reading some of the basic books on OBEs, and put them to work
immediately. Cari had never learned how to go out of her body, so maybe now
that she was a djinni they might be able to go together sometime. That wasn’t
to be this time around and he opened up to why he was out at all. There was a
pull to the north, nothing from any other direction, so he succumbed and followed.
The land and houses rushed by, blurring as he passed through a perceived
barrier of energy. He felt the vibrations, different from that which took
him into his current state and not that of another human being. Intuition
told him it was the vibration of the physical world, of Gaia’s magnetic field.
He knew something about that, too, and wondered briefly if magic could affect
it as well. Probably. He hadn’t seen anything Cari couldn’t do with her new
powers. Nothing good would likely come of her messing with the geomagnetic
fields, so it was just a fleeting thought, easily dropped.
Hal hadn’t been so far into the other realms. He had always had minor OBEs,
the local-area kind, the ones that turned into lucid dreams and those that
really didn’t do anything but tease him. All those years of going out or
almost out had left him wanting more, yet it had never been forthcoming, even
when he had tried to learn to do them by will. The book-techniques gave him a
better understanding of how to relax and go into a deep, waking trance, but
no more. Still, that was a good thing to have, especially with the coming
meditations Cari was going to show him the next day. Those could very well
be weirder than anything he’d seen or felt to date. Incorporating the memories
of two versions of himself into one mind was difficult to contemplate, much
less do. Maybe Cari had some magical tricks to help.
The physical aspect of the realm had long changed since that vibrational
border-crossing. It did have a 3D feel and look about it, yet it felt so
much deeper in possibility and scope. He got the impression the dimensional
aspect was more to make it appealing to humans as they ventured out than a
real need for dimensions of any kind. Hal had read enough online and off to
know that most people didn’t imagine these others places to be simply
‘formless energy’. They needed that familiarity to come to terms with
being there at all. Computer games and places like Second Life afforded
some semblance of other realities, yet again, just not the same as an OBE.
Hal thought he might have been different from the masses, yet intuitively
knew that he liked the physicality of the place, too. Being a formless blob
of energy would be for when he was permanently gone from Earth and could
play with being anything at all. Well, he could wish for that now and being
smoke was close to that state… No, it wasn’t the same. Maybe he’d wish for
it, and maybe he wouldn’t. After his life, then he’d play with that concept.
He’d let Cari be the one to experiment with such things on her own. Hal got
no further in his thoughts when his flight was no more and he stood there,
dressed in a natural-colored tunic of some soft cloth and before something
or someone. The form was familiar, too, mostly because Cari had turned herself
and him into them several times over the past week of magical playfulness.
The centaur looked like the classical Greek depiction of the centaurs painted
on jars or carved into friezes only this guy was older and bigger! Hal stood
on the ‘ground’ about six feet away and had to draw his gaze up over that
impossible figure. He had a staff, too, tall as he was, and carved like a
caduceus. Hal didn’t know enough about trees to figure what kind of wood it
was. If he had to guess, he’d have said cypress or oak. One thing that did
stick in his mind was the bit about the carving. If that really was a caduceus,
then there was only one possible name to come to mind.
“Chiron? You’re real?!” Hal hadn’t actually spoken the words. He relied on
that form of telepathy for OBEs and had projected the idea or concept of the
words and their meanings. It had been exceptionally difficult to learn in the
beginning, yet even with his limited excursions, he had met enough others to
figure out the communication bit. His projection had worked, too, as the
graying centaur merely grinned.
“You have to ask that here?” he retorted with a guffaw and then stroked his
beard. His white tail flicked back and forth, making Hal look him over more
closely. His frame was close to that of a draft horse, maybe more like one
of the ancient breeds such as the Tundra or Forest horse. Only he wasn’t quite
that heavy, making Hal realize he couldn’t really judge just what kind of horse
Chiron had in his ancestry. Mythologically, of course, he was whatever breed
the Greeks had originally envisioned for the offspring of Kronos and Philyra,
just a hell of a lot bigger in this case. There was never any detailed
description of the figure, and something like a dapple gray coat with white
feathering wouldn’t have made it into the stories. That dappling was fading
like everything else, it seemed, or was the whiteness closer to some depiction
of spiritual purity? Hal had to agree; it had been a stupid comment. Yet the
mythic personage of that famous centaur didn’t make him feel stupid. He even
laughed with the other, looking down at his own big black hooves as he did so.
Wait a minute! Hooves? Hal looked back to Chiron in surprise, minus the two-foot
gap in height they had between them upon first meeting.