I use linux, I write in plain text using markdown, and I output my text to any format using pandoc.
http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdownhttp://johnmacfarlane.net/pandocI can create clean very well formatted documents using any computer's text editor and I never have to figure out the local word processing software.
Lately Open Office or Microsoft Word make me feel like :wtf: every time I have to use them. They are optimized for producing fancy 8 1/2" by 11" paper printouts, not the reflowable text of web browsers, ebooks, and iphones. The html code they produce is hideous and confuses simple electronic readers.
Markdown looks like this:
% Title
% Author
% date
This is how you make *italics* and **bold** and ***bold italics*** and `code`...
Paragraphs are simple, hit enter twice.
And so on... There are codes for lists, inclusion of images, links, tables,
and all sorts of stuff common to html, rtf, and other document formats.
It's all easy. There's nothing to interrupt your stream of thought as you are writing.
(Note: The % notation is not native to the original markdown code, but pandoc uses it to make epub compatible code and such, just in case you run my sample through Daring fireball's markdown dingus.)
I don't usually hang out in the Writing Group so I don't know if you guys have already talked about this.