Novelist who left banking because of sexism fires publisher for putting 'fluffy and degrading' covers on her books
She quit her career in the City claiming she couldn’t stand the sexism.
Now novelist Polly Courtney is dropping her publisher for the same reason – complaining her books are marketed in a ‘sexist’ and ‘degrading’ manner.
The 32-year-old writer, who shot to fame after penning an expose of life in the Square Mile, dramatically sacked HarperCollins at the launch of her new book last night....
...But despite its sober message, the jacket features a slender pair of women’s legs in high heels and a short skirt with the title reading: ‘It’s a man’s world – but it takes a woman to run it’.
Very kick-ass of her and well done. It's one of the biggest reasons I even consider self-publishing.