Don't concern yourself about not keeping them. I've done enough for both of us , thousands of words...mostly in pencil...illegible, undated and fairly useless. It's the "start and don't stop" that matters. Gives the subconcious mind a chance to grab hold and carry on. clear intention as someone said. You can take any of those titles and just start and see what happens. They all sound great...except some titles may have been used. There seem to be several published writers here that know a lot more than I do. I had about three ideas and this one insisted on being told...and having a tendancy towards a compulsive obsessive personality , once I started in earnest, the matter of stopping hasn't occurred. Yet. I'm still interested in seeing what will happen next, because i don't know for sure.
What I'm writing is a kids book (don't ask for what age please)for parents and teacher to read to kids, for good readers to read themselves, and espcially for grownups who like to read kid's books. Probably will never get published because doesn't fit any particular category. Fantasy maybe...but not heavy duty stuff. About a hudgeon. (That doesn't say a lot, does it?) I'm not ready for criticism...still in first draft with minor editing going on all the time. I enjoy that process too. But if you want to read it I can send you the first segment by e mail or pm, and others if you still want more.Not sure how long a message p m can handle. But you'll know after the first page if you want to continue. all for now. thanks for your interest.