There is an article up at that starts out this way on the recent I-100 that killed the city law on cannabis possession of less than an ounce.
Denver, Colorado -- The decision by Denver voters to legalize the possession of a small amount of marijuana is more symbolic than real: Only 36 adults were charged last year under the now-defunct city ordinance prohibiting possession. Meanwhile, 1,565 were charged under the state law, which remains intact.Yeap, the prohibition of the greatest medicinal plant in the history of man gives us federal, state, and city laws stacked on top of each other. Here we had a duplicative law that could get you a year in jail when the state law with its institutionalized injustice gets you a small fine. Here the voters kill one bad law with two levels to go toward Free Cannabis and the article choses to end with this sentence that displays the upside down reasoning of the drug warriors.
The Denver anti-pot ordinance is dead. Long live the state statute.No. The Denver pot statute is dead. And the state law supporting criminalization is next. And with the government and media hounds giving us nonsense to throw back at them it will not be long. You drug warriors better go back to silence as the main plan to preserve the criminalization of cannabis.