This comes from It would be great if everyone had time to read stuff like this. This article talks of using thimerosal as a method to reduce birth rate. This article is most noteworthy for the use of the word and definition of planetics. To the power elite we are but cattle and planetics is their management plan, although we do not know who the power elite are or what that plan is. The herders have no need/desire to tell the cattle anything.
November 8, 2005
By Dennis L. Cuddy, Ph.D.
Recently, a number of leading organizations which have raised questions about the Federal Mental Health Action Agenda met in Washington, DC, with Charles Currie, the administrator of SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration). SAMHSA is the federal agency that will implement the Action Agenda, which is based upon recommendations of the New Freedom Commission on Mental Health (NFCMH), and Mr. Currie was attempting to address opponents' concerns. For example, to allay their fears, he remarked: "You will notice that TeenScreen is not a model program nor is it or any other screening program mentioned anywhere in the Federal Mental Health Action Agenda."
However, an October 31, 2005 e-letter response by EdWatch explained: "Sadly, this assurance may be more symbolism than substance. Since this meeting, EdWatch and AHRP (The Alliance for Human Research Protection) have learned of a SAMHSA announcement that it will give $9.7 million in grants to four states---Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico and New York---to implement the TeenScreen mental health screening program. It is important to note at this point what was said about the head of SAMHSA by Allen Jones in Part 20 of this series. In its e-letter, EdWatch also warned: "The Action Agenda contains plans to fund grants that are 'designed to develop mental health promotion and early intervention services targeted to infants....' This is intervention in the lives of children even younger than the preschoolers mentioned in the New Freedom Commission report. Dr. David Willis, Medical Director of the Northwest Early Childhood Institute, a key opinion leader, stated that, 'Psychopharmacology is on the horizon as preventive therapy for children with genetic susceptibility to mental health problems.'"
In an earlier Part of this series, I mentioned that Donald Keys, who has been responsible for a number of U.N. initiatives, had remarked that this planet has to be managed. The word for this, according to former U.N. Assistant Secretary-General Robert Muller, is "Planetics." And if the planet is going to be managed by the power elite, everything has to be synchronized, including mental health. Therefore, it is important to note not only what is happening in the U.S. but also in Europe.