This is from a comment at This just shows that ordinary people can write why the drug war should end and that it does not take many words to tell the truth.
Going back to my church going days I want to say I think I might have picked up a few grains of wisdom here and there. For example, I remember Yeshoa teaching about the bitter root that produces bitter fruit. That is how I view the CSA. Without this "bitter root" the DEA has no authority. It is the corruption of our constitution and our bill of rights that gives the Feds the police powers they now have. That is why the CSA was created by Nixon. He even said so. He said he wanted to be remembered as the law and order president and was frustrated to see so much rebellion taking place in America during his time as president. At that time Fed law severely limited police authority in the various states. One of his advisors remarked to him at the time, "if you could pass a federal ban on narcotics, that would solve your problem. You could then create a federal narco-police and place a police presence in evey precinct across the country." Thus spoken the DEA was born. The CSA was introduced to congress and was passed without it even being read. Government has never met a law they didn't like. It's only a matter of whether or not they can pass it without starting an uprising. Now-a-days you can't build a fire under people for any reason. I call it the Bread and Games Syndrome. It worked for Rome number one why not for Rome number two. Anyway, my point is: kill the root or pull up the root and the fruit will die on the vine. We need an all-out assault on the CSA. It is poorly written, unconstitutional, and has been a cancer to our bill of rights since it's inseption. It is the legacy of Cheif Justice Reinquist who was a sell-out to the American people. He wrote the damn thing while serving as a young lawyer in Nixon's administration. So long as he lived he never let the vile thing die. He saw it as his legacy. Now that he is gone perhapes we can drive a stake through the heart of this vampire that is sucking dry our rights and freedoms.
Are you "Fed up" yet?