You sound like you're an advertiser / lobbyist for the pharmaceutical industry.
Anyway, do you have any idea how many places in the world and for how many thousands of years marijuana has been used (quite effectively) for a multitude of medical reasons? From reading your post, I would say apparently not.
And even
IF the synthesized versions of THC worked as effectively against all the medical uses of marijuana
(which it doesn't); what are you trying to say? That you're against using an historically proven effective medical treatment which people can easily grow for themselves?
Now, if you knew as much as you come across that you do. You'd know, for example, that marinol or any other synthetic THC compound doesn't work at treating asthma -- and marijuana smoking not only works, but works better than the typical inhalers. And there are many other examples of where synthetic THC either doesn't work, or doesn't work as good. I myself am a medical marijuana patient, and have tried synthetic THC and can tell you from personal experience that I'll never use that stuff again. It puts you into too much of a drug stupor for too long. Smoking it on the other hand is much more better.
Also, if one is concerned with any detrimental effect from smoking it, which by the way is nothing -NOTHING- like smoking tobacco. Then it is nothing to use it orally by cooking with it. That is of course unless you happen to be in the pharmaceutical industry and know that you stand to lose lots of money.
You state that you know what my goal is, and you don't even know me. How arrogant. You have no idea of my reasons for posting what I posted. Now not that it is any of your business. But my personal position with respect to marijuana is one of two -separate- issues. I do argue for an end of the failed war against drugs which does more harm than any of the drugs themselves. But I also argue for the legal medical access to marijuana because of its historically proven effectiveness at treating a multitude of medical problems. And I resent your accusation.
Now you mentioned about cancer. Again if you knew what you try to come across as, then you'd be familiar with the multitude of medical studies which have been done throughout the years which show promising results at treating certain kinds of cancer. Now I mentioned above that marijuana smoke doesn't affect you the way tobacco smoke does. And if you knew what you were posting about you'd know how the different smokes affect you. This is also a subject that I love hearing opponents bring up because unlike tobacco users, these people can't produce any bodies. They can't come up with any mortality statistics showing the cause of death due to complications brought on by smoking marijuana.
Now here's a document I offer for you to read. Its only a small one of many, many, many medical research documents that are out there.