Read this blog and learn what your government has been up to, using YOUR money. help us put an end on this deadly war. It's murdered millions since it began.
Tell your politicians you want them to spend more money on education than on prisons.
Do you do your part and write your politicians telling them to end this immoral war on American citizens?
Please take a few moments to do so. This war ignores our constitution, and democracy. since the days of slavery, has this country sunk so low. Nowdays most drug prisoners are black, and women are being jailed more than men lately. For simple possession of a substance which is less harmful than alcohol.
This war on cannabis users is criminal. Police have become criminals with badges, who have been corrupted by the enormous amounts of money/dope they come in contact with. Now there are cops who are trying to end this immoral war. Almost half of all government employees are connected to the drug war. Let's put an end to their jobs, especially the DEA, and tell our politicians to spend that money on education and health care.
America needs to be known as educators not jailers.