Well now we know another reason why Halliburton, Bush, and all the other Nazi wannabes like the UAE so much.
Tourists warned of UAE drug lawsTravellers to the United Arab Emirates are being warned about its severe drug laws which have seen dozens detained for apparently minor offences.Fair Trials International said arrests were being made over tiny quantities of drugs and over-the-counter medicines.
British tourist Keith Brown was sentenced to four years in prison after Dubai customs officers found a 0.003g trace of cannabis stuck to his shoe.
Fair Trials, a legal charity, said it has seen a steep rise in such cases.
Golden beachesPossession of painkillers like codeine and some cold and flu medication could result in a mandatory four-year prison sentence, Fair Trials International said.
In one of the most extreme cases, it reported a man being held after poppy seeds from a bread roll were found on his clothes.
In recent years, chic hotels, skyscrapers and golden beaches have turned Dubai and Abu Dhabi into popular tourist destinations.