I thought I would plug them here, I hope that's OK, I am sure you will enjoy them.
History Diaries:Drug Prohibition: A History (Part I - Pre-Prohibition) (pre-historic to fourth quarter 19th century)
Drug Prohition: A History (Part II - Prohibition Begins.) (~1875 to Harrison Narcotics Tax Act (~1914) ending in about 1919))
This one was posted last night, and I would appreciate your comments and such today. Many people, while they really love the diary, are left pretty speechless.
Part III to come next, which will likely be 1919 (alcohol prohibition) to 1970 (War on Drugs & Controlled Substances Act)
And Part IV, which will be 1970 to Present. I might combine these two diaries, I probably will not - they are too long for the short attention spans of most.
Heroin Diaries: (I am a former heroin addict in maintenance, and these diaries are about me and about maintenance and treatment for heroin addiction, focusing on maintenance as a treatment option)
Treatment for heroin/opiate addiction: a Primer.http://www.dailykos.com/story/2005/1/17/161238/541">Treatment for heroin/opiate addiction: Advanced Edition
Other/Personal Diaries:Drug Prohibition: a Primer on Drugs from my vantage point - More of a general/personal piece about drug use. Note that this diary was my second, occuring in between the two heroin diaries, and some concepts from this diary are using in the "advanced edition" heroin diary.
Future Diaries:Drug Prohibition: The Present - current statistics and the situation on the war on drugs
Drug Prohibition: The Future - an arguement for ending the drug war.
Iran-Contra: The story everyone should know.
Drugs and War: How drug prohibition doesn't apply to creating soldiers
Drugs: A reality-based factsheet
If you want me to cross-post, I will. Let me know what you think, and what you think I should do. I am definitely thinking of writing a book at this point using these diaries as a starting point.