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Drug Policy

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discocrisco01 Donating Member (524 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-04-09 12:56 AM
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Drug Policy
I feel that our current drug policy is bust. As much that I hate big-time drug dealer, a life without parole sentence is not warranted. I am sorry. Unless the person's crime is directly traceable to violent crime, than the person should have life with the possibility of parole.

Here is an example from the Huntsville Time,

"HUNTSVILLE, AL. -- A former Huntsville resident on trial for cocaine trafficking was allegedly delivering some 20 kilos of cocaine a month from Atlanta to Huntsville in 2004, according to prosecution witnesses Thursday.

But lawyers for Gregory Caudle pushed back hard against the trafficking and conspiracy charges, suggesting that Caudle's drug-dealing associates were lying in exchange for lighter sentences.

Attorney Emory Anthony Jr. also scoffed at investigators testimony that months after his arrest they found a key linking Caudle to a bag found at the crime scene. Investigators said they found the key in another bag of Caudle's they had already searched.

Both the prosecution and the defense rested Thursday. The defense rested without calling any witnesses and both sides are expected to make closing arguments this morning.

Caudle, 43, could receive a life sentence without parole if convicted on the trafficking charge, since it involves a minimum of at least 10 kilograms of cocaine"

That is a lot of dope and the person should do some major time. However, I still do not think life without parole sentence is unreasonable unless the charges have direct link to violent crime.

The problem is that Ronald Reagan made the US go to a determinate sentencing structure for all offensives. I favor determinate sentencing for violent offenders but not for nonviolent offenders.

Without indeterminate sentencing structure, a cap has to be place on the number of years. I suggest 30-35 years as the cap and make good time to be 15 days instead of 5 days of months.

Just a rant on prison issue but this is stuff that I know the best so I had to rant.
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bamacrat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-05-09 11:10 AM
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1. I agree but the real problem is people getting arrested for weed.
Coke I dont have much of a problem with. Huge prison sentences without parole is wrong and does nothing but destroy families which seems to be all the government cares about. Well as long as youre black.
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kenichol Donating Member (198 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-11-09 07:07 PM
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2. I believe that no human being should be locked in a cage for what they put in their body
Most dealers in prison are addicts just trying to get by. We should save the resources of our law enforcement for crimes against people; not for what they are putting in their bodies.
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