Edited on Fri May-28-10 11:18 AM by Newest Reality
"Thou shalt not alter thy consciousness in ways deemed to be a threat to the system."
It is certainly an economic issue and started that way. There are several factors that support the draconian wall of cruel and unusual punishment that enforced on thousands of harmless, productive and free-thinking members of society.
The most dangerous, (and in fact the only danger) is that it is illegal and the bust is what can ruin people's entire lives, devastate their families and, in effect, bring nothing but negative results for the culture.
The enforcement and prison industries win big in this fallacious pseudo-war on the minds and hearts of the people. Other industries benefit greatly with the prohibition of that beneficial work-horse, hemp, and the medicinal and recreational value of cannabis. Black budgets inflate nicely from illegal drug trade. There are winners here and losers, but the losers are not aware of how the propaganda has turned them against themselves.