There are 11 whopping pages of 6-8 point copy relating to the text of the proposed amendment , so it is a controversial issue. There is one page of Arguments for Prop 203 with 2 testimonials from the Medical Marijuana Policy Project and 2 ½ pps of arguments Against Prop 203 mostly from rehab and outreach program directors plus law enforcement officers , country attorneys, and 5 of Arizona’s 15 county sheriffs.
Found it interesting that only 2 citizens spoke out – one for and one against Prop 203. We are a state located on the Mexican border where drug cartel members seem to have Mexico in a state of turmoil. I no longer get the AZ Republic newspaper and the Yuma Sun, so far, has not run any LTTE either for or against Prop 203 other than an editorial on August 23rd relating to the fact that Mexico’s leader is willing to look at legalizing drugs.
I will vote Yes on Prop 203 because I am for anything that will reduce the power and funding of the drug cartels and at my age, with all of my ailments, I am willing to give medical marijuana a try.
I want marijuana to be legalized, here, and wonder what the chances are of getting it done in a state filled with tea party voters who are being strangely silent on this issue.