There are over 600 comments on my letter to the editor, Why won't Susana Martinez support all of those in pain? Would you consider making a comment? You don't have to register and I would love to see some DU rational comments...please! Daily News
Denise Lang, La Luz
Posted: 10/31/2010 12:00:00 AM MDT
I worked for a cancer treatment center and often heard our 70- and 80-year-old patients share how cannabis helped their nausea, pain, depression, anxiety and insomnia.
They told of how cannabis worked quicker and with fewer side effects than pharmaceutical industry options. More recently, I learned that the fastest growing classification of qualifying patients for medical marijuana is returning Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans suffering from post traumatic stress disorder.
When I heard that Republican gubernatorial candidate Susana Martinez wants to repeal the New Mexico medical cannabis law because it conflicts with federal law, I wondered why she didn't want to fight the feds on behalf of our veterans (whether Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Korea or World War II), as well as cancer patients and other patients suffering from qualifying conditions. If she had attended the New Mexico Department of Health hearings on medical cannabis, she would have heard vulnerable patients express how much cannabis has helped them.
She would know that these patients are not "hippies" and wouldn't find smirking references to "pot heads" humorous as she listened to these brave patients with so many diagnosed, documented horrible diseases express how much their lives have improved. She would have also heard some people explain how they got their lives back after having an alternative to the extremely strong pain medications that left them over-sedated and without their normal senses.
She would have listened to veterans explain how cannabis helped them deal with their lives as they tried to reconcile the violence of what they'd experienced in Iraq, Afghanistan and Vietnam, with their struggling attempts to work and maintain healthy relationships without self-destructive behaviors.
Martinez's job has been to punish and incarcerate, not find positive solutions to problems affecting ordinary citizens presenting real problems. I want a leader in the governor's office who can relate to issues experienced by regular citizens, returning veterans and suffering patients a leader who is capable of understanding and compassion.
I'm sure that if readers have trusting relationships and they ask if their friends and family know of people who have found quicker relief from pain, nausea, anxiety, insomnia, depression or lack of appetite without the side effects of laboratory produced, high-dollar medications, they will discover that cannabis has helped someone they know.
Why won't Martinez support all of those in pain?