Some resources that might be useful in attacking the system itself are these...
Current prison statistics and racial distributions can be found at the following two sites. the related site for more details is where it starts to get really nasty, when we get into why... the following two are what I see as two of the main driving forces behind the prison boom. It's just so useful in a power/politics sense for some people, and we don't think about that aspect enough. explains how our prisoners are deprived of the right to vote in their home towns but used in the census of prison towns to increase their political representation beyond anything the real population can justify. With so many in the system that's a lot of redistributed power. to audio toward lower left side in resources section, hour long but worth it. This explains how our laws really are written and by who, and some of what goes on behind the scenes in the prison lobbyist world. It doesn't apply just to prisons, but that's the aspect they explore here.
If anyone has an angle that I missed let me know, if we don't get at what's behind this we aren't going to change it.