Usually long articles up at CannabisNews are worth reading because they are trying to deliver information. The demonization articles tend to take a stabb and quit. This is an informative article that has some length. The reason it is worth mentioning is really only because these four paragraphs present what are very obscure facts.
From cannabis did not lead to physical dependence, it was found to be superior to opiates for a number of therapeutic purposes; and by 1900 cannabis was a main ingredient in over 100 different medicines available from America’s most respected pharmaceutical companies.
Cannabis products first began to appear in Eli Lilly pharmaceutical catalogues in 1877 and continued to be sold through 1937. They grew marijuana on a plot of land known as the “Lilly Farm” just north of Indianapolis. Additionally, the company ordered and received the drug from all parts of the world including India, Mexico, Madagascar and Germany.
The cannabis grown in Indianapolis, however, was touted as unsurpassed in quality. According to Lilly’s promotional claims, “Through advanced methods of seed selection and cultivation, the LILLY FARMS now produce a Cannabis of high potency, enabling us to offer a fluid extract equal in strength to that made from the Indian drug!”
The earliest price catalogue in the company’s archives from October 1877 lists “Cannabis Indica Fluid Extract” as their only medicinal product containing cannabis. By the turn of the century, however, Eli Lilly and Company was selling dozens of pills, powders, elixirs, syrups, tinctures and tablets containing cannabis.