When seeds were sent out in June, they took unusually long to get to people's places. Quite a lot of seed orders -- we're talking 200-300 letters here -- were being intercepted somehow, and held up.
What we believe is that the addresses on incoming mail sent to us were matched up with outgoing mail that had our return address. Those outgoing letters were sent, and held up.
Even if your seed order mail was opened, that is not enough to incriminate you for sending that letter. Nothing in our outgoing orders implies that you asked for when we're sending. Prosecution will require that those people who get the scam letter from the DEA incriminate themselves by agreeing that they wish to receive seeds, and through acknowldging the letter, prove that they asked for and paid for seeds.
It is our belief that emails sent to emeryseeds.com were insecure, and that outbound mail in June seems to have been intercepted and the information is being used to set up American and Canadian growers for raids and prosecution.
If you thought there was an unusually long delay in receiving any recent orders from the time you were aware it was sent, then it is very likely you are in danger, and should take appropriate action.
This is a regrettable discovery, and means the DEA and RCMP and perhaps other agencies are coordinating a massive round-up of both Canadians and Americans in a considerable escalation of the Drug War.