D.C. public schoolteacher, I find it perplexing that The Post's editorial board continues to participate in Chancellor Michelle A. Rhee's cult-of-personality campaign despite a body of evidence, some reported in these very pages, that much of what has been accomplished is an illusion...
Ms. Rhee has gone as far as to comment that previous test gains were the result of picking "low-hanging fruit." Moreover, the recent internal and external investigations into cheating and the changes in the number of students who can be given alternative assessments are indicative of an administration that is scrambling to educate itself in the realities of the classroom...
I'm beginning to think that the editorial board is participating in a public relations war in which truth has once again become the first casualty...
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/12/13/AR2009121302446.html Chancellor Michelle Rhee was quick to give DC Mayor Adrian M. Fenty and herself undeserved credit. And most assuredly, the editorial board of The Washington Post and Chancellor Rhee's protective columnists will continue to anoint her as the ultimate public education reformer. This is despite her acts and facts to the contrary.
While the report does have some good news about District test scores, the report bears deeper reading...
The District's math test score placement increased only because math test scores of other cities decreased.
Moreover, the nation's report card clearly states the DCPS had lower math test scores in grades 4 and 8 in 2009 and District African-American test scores went down.
It is obvious the good news Chancellor Rhee and the editorial board of The Washington Post champion come on the strength of a small number of White students.
The specific numbers can be reviewed and interpreted by others.
http://www.examiner.com/x-4274-DC-Ward-5-Community-Examiner~y2009m12d8-RVBD.C. gives more than $500,000 in bonuses despite legal limit
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Some D.C. Council members are questioning the legality -- and appropriateness -- of more than $500,000 in bonuses the Fenty administration awarded to some city employees after a law curbing the practice in the cash-strapped city took effect in October.
The bonuses revived debate among council members, some of whom question the wisdom of handing out bonuses when the city is facing a million-dollar budget shortfall and whether the administration ignored the law...
Some of the high-profile bonuses cited by the Examiner included $41,250 to schools Chancellor Michelle A. Rhee in 2007....
You got at least one thing wrong. Shaw’s scores did not stay about the same. They went down - reading scores declined from 38.52% in ’08 to 29.20% in ’09 and it’s math scores went from 33.33% to 29.02%.
This can easily be verified at the official website
http://nclb.osse.dc.gov. Did you not check? Did you just take Chancellor Rhee’s or Principal Betts’ word on it? The fact that Shaw’s scores didn’t go up is a major embarrassment for Rhee. She installed a new principal, who hired a new staff, selected for being young and “unjaded” and he paid the kids for good behavior and attendance...
Remember Shaw was Rhee’s model school. Shaw junior high was given more money according to the District CFO in error while many poor schools were not given the money they should have been allotted. Shaw had lower class sizes than other schools and did not have to rely substitutes regularly teaching their students as did many other schools who were not properly funded.
Many of the veteran teachers from Shaw were removed last year and described by Rhee as jaded and replaced with inexperienced teachers from Teach For America who were described as having energy and enthusiasm.
Having a 9 per cent drop in reading is unacceptable. Rhee owes the DC community an apology as well as veteran educators who although jaded according to Rhee would probably have been able to show gains this school year if only left in place at the school.
The principal of this model school- Shaw - needs the boot especially since this is Rhee’s price for poor performance. it is interesting that the principal was spared when principals who made AYP and earned middle states accreditation were fired. It’s a pity that Rhee is terminating the wrong teachers and principals. By my count I believe 250 teachers and 28 principals have been terminated this year and counting. At least that is the number as revealed by The Washington Post and as per Rhee in her recent testimony.
Shaw’s final scores: reading, down from 38.52% in ’08 to 29.20% in ’09 and math, down from 33.33% to 29.02%.”
Chancellor Rhee is live blogging right now at the Washington Post and repeated the false information...about Shaw Middle schools scores. Here’s what she said:
“Shaw was a failing middle school that needed to be restructured. Anyone who has been in the school under the new leadership can attest to the fact that the school’s culture and environment has improved radically. The test scores stayed pretty level this year (not uncommon for the first year of a turn around) and we expect to see greater gains in the years to come. I’m excited by what Principal Betts, the staff and students have done there!”
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/discussion/2009/09/20/DI2009092001636.htmlSurely Michelle Rhee must know that if children are drilled on a particular test, that test cannot be used to measure what they have learned, except perhaps the test items themselves. For example, if a fifth grader is drilled on a list of twenty spelling words and gets 100% on the test, that does not mean he has mastered fifth grade spelling. It only tells us that he has memorized twenty words. Test items are samples of what has been taught and are not the same as the curriculum. To find out if the child has mastered fifth grade spelling, you’d have to give him a sample of fifth grade words.
Mr. Merrow can help the children of DC by asking Ms. Rhee if she’d be willing to give another form of the test, under very strict conditions, to a school that has made good progress. It would be very interesting to see the results. Citizens have a right to know if the children are really learning or if they are just being drilled on test items. There is a huge difference between the two.
http://learningmatters.tv/blog/on-the-newshour/michelle-rhee-in-dc-episode-10-testing-michelle-rhee/2476/ Rhee = fraud.