It's time to read something miraculous going on with a school board resisting Arne's blackmail:
After a lively discussion Tuesday, the Western Placer Unified School District board of trustees voted unanimously against signing a memo of understanding for California’s Race to the Top.
“This is an attack on public education and I don’t support it,” said board member Paul Long, adding the district is already “going in some wonderful directions in getting kids turned onto reading books and newspapers, and critical thinking.”
Race to the Top would provide $4.35 billion nationwide to local educational agencies around the country “to strengthen schools and close the achievement gap,” according to a letter dated Dec. 14, 2009 to California’s superintendents and charter- school administrators from the California Secretary of Education, California State Board of Education and California Department of Education.
According to Western Placer Unified School District Superintendent Scott Leaman, the three agencies are writing a grant to receive money from Race to the Top for California’s schools. Leaman said the federal government has the $4.35 billion in its budget and each state has to write a grant application.
Each state “will be judged by the federal government” on which states will use the money best based on the federal government’s criteria, and will be awarded the money accordingly.