Teachers, parents, students, and communities across the country are fighting back against attacks on primary and higher education:
- from massive education layoffs to inaction in the face of a crumbling public education infrastructure
- from reactionary movements to return to segregated schools to the creation of a class of children who cannot access education opportunities,
- to massive tuition and fee increases & budget cuts on the backs of university students, staff, and faculty
In response, coalition members and endorsers for the North Carolina May 4th Day of action are demanding:
Stop re-segregation of public schools in Wake, Wayne, and Wilmington!
Stop tuition and fee increases in the University of North Carolina system & increase financial aid opportunities for all students!
Stop teacher lay-offs – rehire all teachers laid-off in 2009 state budget cuts & increase education jobs!
Financial aid and in-state status for ALL immigrant NC residents now!
The economic crisis is coming down hard on public schools. While bankers, corporations, and the Pentagon received hundreds of billions in bail out money, our weakened public school system received only more blows.
Last year thousands of North Carolina public school teachers and staff were laid off a round of deep budget cuts.
The election of an ideological and conservative majority in a low-turnout election in Wake County now threatens to gut the county’s diversity policy in favor of so-called “neighborhood schools.” Wayne County and Wilmington are pursing similar reactionary measures.
Companies hired 22% fewer class of ’09 seniors, less than half of all graduates have found employment in their fields, and the unemployment rate for those 20-24 is between 30-35%. It is over 50% for youth of color.
In K-12, many youth of color are directly tracked to prison before graduation through the school-to-prison pipeline.
But in response:
· Teachers around the state rallied to stop these cuts and were able to push back legislation and save many jobs.
· The Wake County “Re-segregationist 5” are strongly opposed by the community, which is organizing, and threatening lawsuits and recalls.
· Undocumented students, who previously were barred from attending community colleges, won the ability to attend with out-of-state status. While this is a victory, out-of-state tuition rates are far beyond the reach of many immigrant students and they are still ineligible for financial aid.
In November 2009, students and teachers in California made a stand with actions around the state. California students took bold action and occupied their universities, held rallies, and took to the streets.
Throughout the week of March 4 – a call to defend education has come from communities across the country.
Join the teachers, students, education workers and community members across the country who are coming together for the March 4 National Day of Action to Defend Education
Be a part of this movement – organize or participate in an action during the week of March 4!
For more information visit on actions or if you are interested in organizing an action at your school or campus, visit
http://raleighfist.wordpress.com or contact 919-604-8167.
A Job and an Education are human rights
We Demand – Bail out the People, Not Banks and Corporations!
And Money For Human Needs, Not War!