It's not enough that the city hires grad students, calls them "teachers" the first year on the job, and uses them to kill tenure and push veteran members out of their jobs. The UFT accepted that. It talks a good game, but it's positioning itself beautifully: when we lose tenure and the ATRs are all fired, they can claim it's not their fault.
And it's not enough that know-nothing administrators — sometimes unsuccessful, unmotivated, or unlicensed teachers themselves — get absurd freedoms to evaluate us. The UFT accepted that, too, and even gave up the right to grieve the truly wicked stuff.
And it's also not enough that the Steve Brills, Nick Kristofs and so many others of the capitulating press continue to heckle from the sidelines, passing off the EdDeform press releases as if they were real news. The UFT buys into the same jargon just as much as the press. It took them way too long to reject the profound deception of the school report cards and faulty test data.
Now the UFT has signed on big time to the new Gates project on teacher evaluation.
MoreThese billionaires know absolutely NOTHING about education; they are trying to buy public opinion in order to destroy public institutions for private profit. It's sickening the unions are in cahoots with them and signing their own death warrants.