Edited on Sat Mar-06-10 03:07 PM by SharonAnn
He treated him for 6 months for "anxiety". My husband was NEVER anxious or nervous.
Turned out the bowel problems were colon cancer. It cost Medicare well over $100,000 (probably closer to $200,000) to treat him and he died anyway.
The cancer was curable if caught when he first went to the doctor.
And, the doctor had the colonoscopy report from 2 1/2 years before telling him that 4 polyps were removed, though they all were benign, and that the patient should be checked annually using hemocult(sp) testing. The doctor didn´t do that testing, not even when my husband went in for symptoms.
But the G.P. thought he could do an adequate sigmoidoscopy (not the standard of care) in his office. And he totally missed a tumor that was already big enough that it was causing symptoms. So he decided it must be anxiety and treated him for that.
Not until I got involved after 6 months and demanded a referral for a colonoscopy did he begin to get proper treatment.
And when I next talked to the G.P., he said "They didn´t find anything, did they?" I was flabbergasted. He hadn´t even read the report. I told him that, on the contrary, they had found an enormous tumor in the sigmoid area of the colon.
We buried my husband this week because of a doctor´s "misconception".