(This is a reaction blog to the NYT article
http://perdidostreetschool.blogspot.com/2010/03/obama-doubles-down-on-nclb.htmlThe Times article has both Harkin and Miller - the heads of the Senate and House committees - saying they like the proposals and everything should go through.
More testing, more school closures, more fear-based policy-making, and more fear-based teaching. That's doubling down on NCLB, not changing the law for the better. For some reason Arne Duncan says the punitive measures of NCLB are gone in this Obama re-do. How is that?
Teachers and administrators will be fired if they do not raise the test scores of their students, schools will closed if the test scores of their students do not go up, and states will only get Title 1 money by showing the Obama administration how "innovative" they are - in other words, the Race to the Top competitive grants are going to be enshrined in the new education law every year and districts are going to have to do what the administration wants, like tie tenure and evaluations to test scores and open lots of charter schools in order to qualify for Title 1 money.
And for some reason known only to the Great Obama, schools that are already doing well on their measurements will receive more money while schools that are not doing well will be closed or re-structured a la Duncan's policy in Chicago and Bloomberg's here in NYC.
This is really really bad.