In Florida we teachers are under attack from the Reich Wing, and we have been for a decade thanks to Jeb Bush. Now, in the view of MANY Florida teachers, Obama drank the kool-aid. If Obama wants to carry Florida in 2012 he better stop this crap. We helped him get elected, but we feel the dagger in our backs. The Florida legislature is emboldend by Obama's RTTT and Duncan's support for the blanket firing of all the teachers at Central Falls.
Annual contracts for all teachers. Pay tied directly to standardized test scores for ALL teachers K-12. The Republican Party of Florida is taking direct aim at the teacher's union in Florida (as if it were strong to start with). We feel that Obama is right there with them and that's why Obama will not likely get our support and may well lose a BIG electoral prize.
And those of you in other states who don't think this can happen to you, go ahead and get mad at me for saying that Obama has lost the teacher vote. It's coming your way if you don't help us force Obama to listen to a major part of his base.