There are many of us who have worked in public sector work who are getting "cushy" pensions of less than $500 a month while we paid into Social Security for many, many years:
H.R. 726, introduced by Representative Barney Frank, would eliminate the WEP for
those whose combined monthly income from Social Security and the noncovered pension
was less than $2,500 in 2007 (indexed annually to the national average wage). The bill
would gradually phase in the provision for those who have a combined monthly income
of $2,500 through $3,334. For those with combined monthly incomes exceeding $3,334,
the WEP would remain fully applicable. SSA’s Office of the Actuary estimates that this
bill would cost $19 billion between 2008 and 2017 and in the long run would cost 0.02%
of taxable payroll (causing an increase in Social Security’s long-range deficit of about
If they are all worried about Social Security "solvency," then OUTLAW provisions for states "opting out" of Social Security.