I haven't had a good laugh in years. It figures some moron editorial writer hasn’t a clue about teachers or education.
The ONLY reason teachers “flock” to charter schools, unless those are charter schools “sponsored” by school districts which in effect means these teachers are still district/state employees as they are in Nevada (and get their regular pay), is that they can’t find work in regular public schools. It’s the same situation as people who teach in private schools.
In the case of private schools, since teachers make so much less on the average than those in public schools, to survive they either have to have a working spouse or else they must juggle other jobs, as yours truly did when working for a private school ten years ago.
It's not just parents and students flocking to high-quality charter schools like desert nomads to a fresh-water stream.
It's teachers - who in ever greater numbers crave learning environments where there's no union between them and their principal, or them and their kids.
Even though in these very same schools there are longer hours and school years. Teachers do not get traditional pensions, nor are there written-in-the-contract protections against firing. And principals can - gasp! - tell you what to do.
Two developments made the trend impressively clear. First, teachers at a KIPP charter school in Brooklyn, who voted last year to join the United Federation of Teachers, want to cast off the union - and start dealing directly with their bosses again.
Did Broad or Gates or Bloomberg write this garbage?
NY Daily News