In a stunning move, the Rhode Island Federation of Teachers has decided to endorse the state’s bid to win up to $75 million for education reforms in the highly competitive federal Race to the Top competition. The endorsement is at once a sign of goodwill toward Education Commissioner Deborah A. Gist and a strategic decision that dramatically improves the state’s chances to win a portion of the $4-billion competition.
Monday’s agreement between the Central Falls Teachers’ Union and Supt. Frances Gallo, which ended four months of discord and saved the jobs of all the teachers at Central Falls High School, was a major factor, says RIFT president Marcia Reback.
Just three weeks ago, more than 300 angry teachers told Gist they no longer trusted her and could not endorse the application.In Wednesday’s letter, Reback writes she expects “a large majority” of her locals to sign off on the plan, which is due in Washington, D.C., by June 1. She also praised Gist for a “collaborative and open process,” and said her locals were looking forward to embracing the reforms.
The state’s application calls for widespread changes to the education system, including requiring yearly evaluations of teachers and principals and the removal of ineffective teachers who fail to improve over several years; creating a data system that tracks the performance of students and teachers, as well as college teacher training programs; and the creation of more charter schools.