Smellington B. Worthington III is a self-made man. He pulled himself up with just the sweat of his brow, the grit in his character, a portfolio of stocks and properties, a substantial inheritance, an ivy-league education, and a hefty trust fund. In his younger years, Mr. Worthington attended private schools, as do his three children. He is now selflessly turning his valuable time and attention toward the public schools, in order to produce a better, more reliable class of worker.
http://smellington.wordpress.com/Sample entry:
Things Are Coming Along Swimmingly
I say, it appears Mikey and Joel have employed a Goldman Sachs hypnotherapist for a piddling 374K per annum, and the rabble is already hooting about it. There’s some uncouth individual by the name of “Reality Based Educator” whining simply because he was hired by another Goldman Sachs alum.
That’s the way the world works, old chap. It’s all about connections. If you went to Yale, of course you’ll look for similar-minded individuals. Why are such individuals even permitted to comment on the internet? We’ll see about this nonsense.
http://smellington.wordpress.com/2009/11/06/things-are-coming-along-swimmingly/The hypnotist thing is for real:
http://www.nydailynews.com/ny_local/education/2009/11/06/2009-11-06_new_age_guru_cost_doe_374g.htmlThe Education Department blew almost $375,000 on a New Age management consultant who brags about being a master hypnotherapist and earning a degree from an online university...
He was hired by the Education Department to save money and was charged with improving employees' "ability to adapt to change."
Howatt was brought aboard in November 2008 by another Bear Stearns refugee, former Managing Director George Raab 3rd, who was hired by Chancellor Joel Klein after the firm crashed. Howatt was paid about $68,000 from November 2008 through January 2009. Beginning in January, Howatt no longer collected checks directly. The DOE wired him an additional $306,000 through a fast-track contract.
http://www.nydailynews.com/ny_local/education/2009/11/06/2009-11-06_new_age_guru_cost_doe_374g.html#ixzz0ojm0IKyJHe was living in Nova Scotia during his consultancy!