We know about schemes to pay students for high marks. And we’ve written about some of the marketing tactics schools are using to attract families. But one charter high school in Williamsburg is taking a step further – offering a $100 reward to any student who recruits another teenager to attend the school.
Last night we were sent a photo purporting to show a sign posted on the third floor of Public School 126 at 424 Leonard Street, which houses the Williamsburg Charter High School as well as its two spinoffs, Believe Northside Charter High School and Believe Southside Charter High School.
Evoking the old “Wanted” posters of the Wild West, the flier asks for help to “recruit students who you feel would benefit from the exceptional opportunity to attend Believe Schools in all grades.” It promises $100 for each student recruited, provided they enroll and “remain for at least one term with us!” (The same picture also turned up Tuesday night on Education Notes Online.)
Jacqui Lipson, a spokeswoman for the schools, declined to comment but did not deny that the sign was up....
http://cityroom.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/05/26/students-at-100-a-head/The "Believe" charters are run by Eddie Calderon Mendez, who stole the newly-renovated library of another school (volunteer-renovated by faculty, volunteers & students) for his charters' "teachers' lounge", leaving the public school students with a "library" consisting of books on a cart brought from room to room.
Here's the video about it:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-gJCdIx_n0UWhen bloggers started to publicize the library theft, Calderon-Mendez sent them harrassing emails, e.g.:
"Go for it norm bring it on my own sons attend the hell hole so should make for great publicity have fun with your meaningful attempts by the way do your research you are talking about being around Brooklyn come visit where I was born and raised and run my little operation you and Susan make s beautiful couple
Nice you around the cess pool that is jhs 126 that we have had to endure for five years check out our shiny new building for our students at198 Varet street better yet let invite you to our ribbon cutting oh were you at jhs 126 during the sex abuse scandal or the girls selling sex in the bathroom to teachers scandal hmmm I wonder? All potential great press stories!"
You can read more comments by/about Calderon-Mendez & his "school" here: