My son just graduated from 5th grade - here's the letter he wrote to the two teachers he had this year. These two have been his teachers in some combination or another for the past several years.
"I's an honor to have learned from you. I can't believe we've been together for about 5 years. We have become sort of a family and now are going separate ways. I will visit you next year and maybe after that to see what has changed."
He had wonderfully dedicated teachers who went way above and beyond to help their students. I can honestly say that all of them were GOOD teachers. We did have some personality issues with his 2nd grade teacher; although in all fairness my son had just come from a Montessori school environment and she didn't get his "independent" nature and he didn't get waiting to be told what to do! lol
I know a lot of you guys dislike me, but some of you may remember that I have ALWAYS supported more - much more - pay for teachers. More support. More autonomy. More flexibility. Better training and mentoring and internship programs. SMALLER CLASSES!! Less testing. No "teaching to the test". More creativity. Greater control over how and when to teach in the classroom.
And yeah, I guess I would ask you to remember that whether or not you like charters, there are dedicated teachers in them as well who believe strongly in what they are doing and that is teaching and supporting children and enriching their lives.