Study: Phila. parents want more school-choice options
By Martha Woodall
"Despite the explosive growth of charter schools in Philadelphia in the last decade, city parents say they still do not have enough good choices when it comes to picking a school, Pew Charitable Trusts says in a study released Tuesday.
White parents whose children attend district schools give higher marks to the system and individual schools than do African American parents. Parents younger than 30 are among the district's "most dissatisfied customers." Nearly eight out of 10 district parents under 30 say they have considered transferring their children to Catholic, charter, or private schools.
. . . The poll of district, charter, and Catholic school parents found that only 31 percent of district parents say their children's schools do an excellent job handling safety, compared with 67 percent for charter parents, and 73 percent for those whose children attend Catholic schools.
. . . 62 percent of district parents have actively considered sending their children to charter, Catholic, or private schools.
(And here's some very good news, imo) . . . Charter schools supplanted the Catholic schools in 2008-09 as the city's largest alternative to district schools. (The fewer kids being brainwashed about "religion" the better!!)
. . . While 60 percent of all parents surveyed rate the district as "only fair" or poor, 71 percent of parents whose children attend district schools say their individual schools are good or excellent. White district parents were more satisfied than African American parents, with 87 percent compared with 63 percent rating their child's school good or excellent. . . . Sixty-four percent of African American parents rated the public schools fair or poor, compared with 54 percent for white parents.
Ninety percent of charter parents and 92 percent of Catholic school parents are highly satisfied with their children's education.(oh and here's the quote some of you will home in on and ignore everything else): "This trend has developed in the face of evidence that many charters perform no better than district schools, and a constant drumbeat of news reports and investigations regarding alleged and proven improprieties in the way charters operate." to fix link