I might get that job teaching poli sci
Still, from the dark ages when I taught EMTs, I know that I cannot just GO into a class and blab. So just finished printing a skeleton of class material.
I am debating going over to the local college bookstore and just buying a textbook... so far I have used an outline (yes study guide, but it has the material that you should cover), and done a lot of reading into material that either I read, or catching up on the changes over the last ten years... or is it twenty?
For the moment, I know tomorrow I will take that draft and first go through it LOOKING for obvious holes that need to be covered but I have not done that. Fill in blanks and then do some serious editing and adding material. Hell, the Units should be broken into actual class material and perhaps power point slides... now talk of something I did not have oh back in the day.
My hubby (who just went back to school and so far is pulling an A) really has no clue how much time can go into this. Hey at least I am proud of myself, a few things are coming back hard and furious. I guess I could teach some into the International Order no problem. Oh and finding out just how broken the international order truly is. (And how expensive books are, even in ebook form)... I know not too many folks will buy (Can Democracy be exported, a normative view into nation building, but jeesus age, 80+ bucks) No I did not get that one.