Thank you for posting this very important topic.
The way your post is formatted it is unclear to me if those are your words or just something that you've copy and pasted from someone else's blog. The blogger, Miss Eyre, is in New York and your name here on DU is Proud2BlibKansan which makes me feel quite strongly that you are in Kansas. If those are, in fact, not your words may I recommend a quick gander through the Strunk & White for proper attribution...
I read the other lady's blog which you linked to and found it interesting, especially this:
Needless to say, I agree with Miss Eyre 100%. Any school or educational system that "dumbs down" the testing to make marginal or failing students appear to be doing better than they, in reality, are does a terrible disservice to its students and the community it is supposed to serve.
This is not a problem confined to New York, however, it is happening all over the nation. Even right here in Texas the neo-con ed hatchet men chopped the educational criteria to pulp and what emerged was a sham curriculum, casting Capitalism in only the most positive light, overstating or misrepresenting the importance of Christianity in the founding fathers and our founding documents, and removing one of our most important founding fathers, Jefferson, completely (he wrote and spoke frequently in favor of separation of church and state). The fact that Texas purchases nearly $1 Billion in text books annually gives these 10 neo-con whack jobs inordinate power over the fate of students in several other states, if not the nation as a whole. It sickens me that one tiny group of partisan activists can adversely affect so many children.
We need a strong national educational curriculum and strong national testing standards. I believe that more strongly with each passing day.