New California schools chief Tom Torlakson declared a “state of financial emergency,” saying, “The law won’t allow me to call in the National Guard, so I’m saying to every Californian: ‘Your schools need your help and they need it now.’”
Well, they certainly need help, but not for the reasons the Ed Deformers love to claim (bad teachers, bad unions, etc. ad nauseum). $18 billion has been cut from education over the last three years in California. There will be another $2 billion lost next year just from declining tax revenues, and Torlakson estimates that $11 billion of the current $28 billion state budget deficit applies to education.
The numbers certainly look bleak, but bombastic metaphors won’t solve the problem. How could the National Guard help our schools, anyway? They need money, not soldiers. Or was Torlakson actually concerned that there might be civil unrest over the impending cuts? If so, then the law would allow Jerry Brown to call in the National Guard.
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