In San Francisco Unified (SFUSD) last year, 40 out of 1,924 teachers (2%) received bad reviews. Over the past five years, an average of 2.7% teachers received marks of “unsatisfactory” or “needs improvement.” In nearby San Jose and Oakland, only around 1% of teachers received poor ratings.
The Ed Deformers love to hold up numbers like these as proof that the teacher evaluation system is broken. What the Ed Deformers are actually demonstrating by such abuse of data is their own ignorance and incompetence. Low numbers of unsatisfactory reviews does not prove that the evaluation system is broken any more than high temperatures indicate a broken thermometer. These results could mean that there are actually very few bad teachers. There is no reason to assume that there must be more bad teachers than are being caught by the current system or that there is necessarily a bell curve of teacher aptitude.
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