CENTRAL FALLS — Maria Cristina Betancur stands every morning at the entrance to Central Falls High School, greeting the students and teachers who flow through the doors. “Good morning,” Betancur says softly. “Buenos dias.” Some students respond in kind, others barely seem to register her welcome. Every so often, a silent student raises his or her eyes to Betancur’s, offering a shy nod. “We need to make them feel welcome here,” she says, “and make them proud of their school.”
Today, she is one of a growing number of parents who spend time at the school every day. They patrol hallways, assist teachers in classrooms and help administrators with detention.
“I was used to PTO meetings at St. Elizabeth’s that were full of parents,” Betancur said. “When my husband and I went to one at the high school last year, there were only four or five. We asked ourselves, ‘What is going on here?’ ” She played a central role in recruiting parents to join the school’s Parent Teacher Student Organization, and several parents in this group now volunteer at the school and attend various meetings. Last year, parents rarely, if ever, attended the city’s School Board of Trustees meetings. Since September, at least half a dozen parents have come to trustee meetings. Some weeks, there are as many as two dozen.
“It’s one thing to hold a bake sale,” Smith said. “It’s a whole other thing to ask how can I be meaningfully involved in making this school better, not just for my child but for all children.”
Quite a bit more (both good and bad):