homeowrk for about 1 to 1.5 hours a night all through grade school (through 8th grade in my school), and suffered not one iota. In fact, my learning was greatly facilitated, because as the teacher discussed the topic that I had read the night before, my reading from the night before was reinforced. I was able to have time to think about the topic and ask questions to clarify my understanding. When the teacher discussed the topic I had read the night before, my brain was able to begin doing recall, begin constructing the nerves required for recall to take place, and that takes multiple reinforcements. The teacher was able to spend more time on specific misunderstandings/lack of understandings that the students actually had, and not waste time on that portion easily grasped by reading. And by reading regularly outside of the classroom, our reading levels gained in leaps and bounds. And it made reading a lifetime habit. What is the point of just simply reading to oneself in a classroom? This doesn't get your bang for the buck from the teacher. And with group readings, those who read more quickly are bored to death waiting for those at a lower skill level to catch up, while those at lower reading levels feel left out/give up if the faster pace predominates. I suffered none of that in my education, simply by spending 15-20 minutes per subject at home each night. What is it that I SHOULD have been doing with that 60-90 minutes instead, is what I just can't see....
However, that was many years ago, when most children didn't even use a phone, except to talk to Grandma, much less OWN a phone. We didn't spend hours everyday chatting or texting to friends about who wore what at school, who did what to whom, who should do what to whom, discussing the latest garbage on tv, etc. No video games, etc. Instead, we spent a little bit of time each night learning and practicing how to learn, until it was easy. We developed personal control and persistance, sticking with things that were not necessarily entertaining, but that we understood were necessary. We gained self-discipline, and saw and felt the benefits of that; none of us would EVER have said to a teacher "I don't feel like it" or "I don't want to". We understood life is about more than just having fun; we learned there are some things in life you might not be fond of, but they are to your own advantage and yes, you can do it. I got home from school at 3:30, did my homework until dinner, and never suffered a bit. Never got into any trouble, and learned much more than kids at a neighboring school where there was no homework. In fact, students from my school comprised most of the top 5% of graduates at the local high school, which had a rather large student base of 800 students in my class alone, from all types of backgrounds (social and wealth backgrounds). We succeeded because we learned that we could succeed, and we learned how to stick to the task even when it wasn't entertainment, and we learned that we had self-control.
Again, I just don't understand what it is children should be doing from 3-9, for six full hours every night, that is more important than learning the academic, personal character, and life lessons that homework helped to teach me. I also don't understand why so many children are not in bed by 9pm..............