In my local Sunday paper yesterday, there was a lengthy front page article about how Ohio Gov. Kasich wants to have the legislature create a commission to explore consolidation of some of Ohio's 614 school districts. This commission, he says, "will do their own research." :eyes:
Furthermore, according to the governor, "It's going to be a commission that is going to look at what they do around the country, what the research has shown." Of course the article cites a February, 2011, report by the National Education Policy Center and Ohio University that does just that. I found and downloaded the report, but haven't had time to read it yet. According to the news article, though, the study"...found that, most often, consolidation brings neither cost savings nor academic improvement."
given that the governor said, in his State of the State message, "And Teach for America is coming to Ohio" - to the resounding cheers of the sheeple - I'm wary of his motives.
So my question is this: What's in this for Gov. Kasich (who IIRC, was affiliated with ALEC at some point in the past)? What's the back-story on consolidation? Whose interests does it serve and how?
I'd really appreciate any input, links to articles etc. I don't believe Gov. Kasich is pushing this because he cares about Ohio's school children.
Thanks in advance.