Rhee's Students First collaborated on Michigan bill limiting collective bargaining for teachers
Education blogger At the Chalk Face has obtained an internal briefing document from Michelle Rhee's Students First, and makes clear just how extensively Students First collaborated with Michigan Republicans on four education bills targeting teachers, including one limiting collective bargaining. The 30-page PDF is available here.
The crucial take-away is that although Rhee has claimed publicly that eliminating collective bargaining is not her end goal, and although Students First didn't publicly support Michigan's bill limiting collective bargaining for teachers, the document leaves no doubt that in fact the organization privately supported the bill, saying:
StudentsFirst did not work directly with the House on the collective bargaining bill and we have not expressed public support for the bill. However, many of the things they included in the bill came from our policy agenda and pave the way for implementing a new eval process, mutual consent and performance based RIFs.
http://www.dailykos.com/story/2011/06/23/987681/-Rhees-Students-First-collaborated-on-Michigan-bill-limiting-collective-bargaining-for-teachersleopards don't change their spots. if rhee's involved, run.