Education is planning for the future.
If a teacher cannot afford to send their children to college, then teaching is a dead end. Education is a dead end, our nation is not planning for the future. Conservatives are therefore nihilists. Selfish, hideous nation destroying nihilists. If society does not protect and maintain education, then national defense is meaningless.
Unless a teachers children can go to college without the teacher or child going into debt for years, then teaching is not a viable profession and we have no real plan. Conservatives, free market fans, libertarians, are all parasites. They endlessly want more and more and do not care one bit about the next generation. At one time conservatives did. They have been hijacked and none of them are standing up for a sustainable future. None of them are willing to invest in tomorrow.
If we want better teachers, then we need for education to be rewarding enough to lure better people into the field. It does not matter one bit how many apply or want jobs in education. What matters is that better, smarter, more focused and skilled people consider jobs in education to be rewarding. This means golden parachutes for those we eliminate, good retirement for those we use up to the end of their usefulness and decent pay for those who are involved in the field. The parachute does not need to be enormous, just enough to make even a failed excursion into the field of education worthwhile.
If a school teacher is to be qualified to teach, that school teacher needs the education that they are going to teach, the further education to educate and continuing education to maintain and advance their skills as time proceeds. By continuing education, I mean education in their area in order to keep up with new information and understanding in their field.
If teachers, while obtaining a functional retirement, cannot afford to put their children through the same level of education that they needed for the job they hold, then education is a dead end, and so is our nation.
while the greedy may look at all the money being spent on education, they ignore this simple reality. If we want better teachers, then we need teaching to appeal to intelligent people. If we want to be able to pick and choose between teachers, and throw them out when they are worn out, then we need a system that rewards a teacher quite well, and does not wear them out or cast them out destructively.
When anyone talks about education and they are not trying to keep class sizes and campus sizes down, you know that they are connivers or idiots. These two points matter, and the evidence to the contrary always involves hand picked and motivated students. Larger classes can work for college, but they are not better than smaller classes.