We can't trust "gay friendly" politicians to help us. We have to elect actual gay and lesbians to public office if we are going to get anything done.
15 years ago Bill Clinton, who was the first major Presidential candidate in history to actively seek gay and lesbian voters, turned his back on a group that actively organized and campaigned for him by reneging on his promise to do away with the ban on gays in the military, giving us the "don't ask, don't tell" witchhunts instead, and signing the so-called "Defense of Marriage Act" to make sure that our relationships would never get recognition.
In 2000, George W. Bush promised to be a "compassionate conservative" and made some half-hearted overtures to the Log Cabin Republicans while Al Gore ignored us altogether. I don't need to tell you what happened then.
Now Barack Obama, who spoke so eloquently about bringing America together has shown that the America he wants to bring together is straight America. He gives prime stage time, and the legitimacy it brings, at his inauguration to a man who has argued vehemently for taking away not only our right to marry but other civil rights as well. For a proper comparison, consider if John McCain had won and asked Ron Edwards, the Imperial Wizard of the Imperial Klans of America to speak at his inaugural.
Also, the man who so loudly touted the seven gays on his transition team didn't see fit to even seriously consider a single gay or lesbian for his cabinet.
Harvey Milk was right 35 years ago; we can't rely on straight politicians to watch out for our rights any longer. We need to organize, form gay Democratic clubs in every state, and elect our own people to office. Only then can we ever consider our rights safe.