First I deal with one person who clearly doesn't read my post before responding... then when I point it out I get a second person who doesn't read the post OR the reply before responding to
that. This is just brilliant. Let me see if I can explain this in the simplest possible terms.
You opened the door and made comments about another thread from another day and made generalizations about all GLBT's based on a response to your question yesterday.
Oh really? Is THAT what I did? Because you see... when I said this in my first post:
"And to be perfectly clear, that "whole contingent of people" is not referring to "teh gays" so don't even start. It's referring to individuals presenting a certain specific line of argument... be they gay or not. Get it? I'm not presenting an argument here against gay people... I'm presenting it against YOU. You happen to (at least I'm assuming based on available evidence) be gay, but those two things are unrelated. Understand? Just like if someone disagrees with ME about whether it's appropriate for religious figures to be involved in these events at all they are not anti-atheist fascists... they just happen to freaking not agree with my personal opinion."What in the hell did you interpret that to mean? Because you see, when I say I'm not referring to gay people I mean I'M NOT REFERRING TO GAY PEOPLE. And when I say I'm not presenting an argument against gay people I mean I'M NOT PRESENTING AN ARGUMENT AGAINST GAY PEOPLE. But apparently when you read those words they mean "Oh, and I'm actually talking about the entire GLBT community here because this is Bizarro Discussion Forum and everything I say means the opposite of what you might think it would mean if you looked the words up in a dictionary."
And what was the thread link? Did you not see the "the moderator deleted the subthread"? But hey, here you go: hope you find the "Deleted Sub Thread" next to "name removed" in response to post #13 incredibly enlightening.
And yes, I did say that the line of argument I was responding to was infantile and idiotic. Because it is. What's your point? I did NOT say every gay person on the planet, or even every gay person on these forums, or even every gay person on these forums I have recently conversed with... was using it. Did I?
But this is accomplishing one thing at least. It's proving me really, really right. Because I posted an observation that there seems to be a tendency on the forums lately for a lot of people (and when I say "a lot of people" I mean "a lot of people"... not "everyone in the GLBT forum". Get it?) to turn every expressed disagreement or criticism on this particular issue into an assault on the GLBT community... in a message I loaded down so thickly with "and no, I'm not directing that at all gay people" disclaimer statements you would think they would present a choking hazard to anyone trying to navigate the post... and what did I get in response? Three messages implying I'm attacking the entire GLBT community with the message I spent half my text explaining wasn't even directed at the GLBT community. Genius. Really.
And on a final note:
"I didn't realize I had wandered into the "People Who Think Everyone Who Disagrees With Us On Obama And Warren Are Ant-Gay Bigots" forum." - gcomeau
More generalizations
That wasn't even close to a generalization. THAT was something called sarcasm. I know the internet has this famous sarcasm deadening effect, but considering the context of the statement I'm having incredible difficulty believing any honest attempt to seriously read the post it was contained in wouldn't have picked that up. You see... the person I was responding to had done the exact same thing you did. Declared my post was an attack on "US" in "OUR" forum. Seeing as my post was actually an attack only on people using the specific line of argument I had listed the only way their accusation could be true would be IF this was the "People Who Think Everyone Who Disagrees With Us On Obama And Warren Are Ant-Gay Bigots" forum. I was not actually suggesting I thought that was an accurate description of the forum since that would have rather defeated the purpose of the post entirely considering that would have made the first respondent correct when they were clearly... what's the word.... not.