I just saw it. Fantastic film. It should have been released in October before the Prop 8 vote. May not have mattered, I don't know. For all of it, I can't help but feel hurt and sad for all the GLBT community has been through and has to keep damn going through over and over and over. I won't even mention the OTHER 'W' whose name has been posted here so often lately - but that adds to the whole nasty abusive picture.
I'm not gay (though I've had my share of attractions to and dreams about members of the same sex but never acted on them- yet so maybe I'm bi and don't know it), but I feel so sad for what my fellow GLBT Americans have had to endure and are still enduring just for being and loving. I'm sorry.
Below is a mural that is on the wall of Harvey Milk's old camera store on Castro St. Notice the words coming out of the gun. Harvey's words. He was a magnificent person. Braver than I'll ever be.
What I wish for you for the holidays and the new year and beyond is release from the insidious chains of unwarranted persecution that you should not have to STILL be enduring after all this time.