I have had personal run ins with plenty of them. They are the KKKreestians, they are Anita Brayant(sic), D James Kennedy, Fallwell, Robertson, LaHaye, Moon, Mellon-Scaife, Bush.
They are Fascists, they are dominionists, yhry they are evil pretending to be holy. I have shouted down Anita in Selma Al when she was trying to drum up a lynch mob to go afer some very effeminate guys that were handy.
I was working for an electrical contractor at the First Presby church of hate in Fort Lauderdale, when D James kenedy start his shit and I told him he was hateful and spiteful and no way Christian, he was Kreestian Dominionist, and using the cover of holiness to spread fear and to vilify gay folks because that was how he generated his power over the weak minds of his flock and send him money to live high and mighty.
He insisted I be fired, my foreman just moved me to another job. I was the only one with balls to talk back to KKKenedy.
I have watched the cross over of the Dominionists and the fascists with the banking of the money party who are also fascists and need a common foe....us. They are on the same track as Hitler.
I wish I was just crazed or blowing smoke, but has anyone read the Rise of Nazis In America?
That is an online book that points up pretty much the whole mess. It does not get everything there is but its close.
I cannot find the Rise of Fascism in America site again.
but here is something of possilbe interest to many See what it has to say about Palin et al.
http://www.theocracywatch.org/"Sarah Palin is a "Dominionist" with an apocalytic End Times theological viewpoint that sees the war in Iraq as part of God's plan. More on the End Times in the next post. Let's talk about Christian Right Dominionism and tendencies toward authoritarian theocratic governance.
With a number of bloggers calling Sarah Palin a "Dominionist," it is a good idea to clear up some obvious errors in the use of terminology.
Neither Sarah Palin nor her Protestant church affiliated with the Assemblies of God should be described as practicing a form of "Dominion Theology" or "Christian Reconstructionism." That is just plain wrong.
It is fair to suggest that Palin displays the tendency called "Dominionism" in some of her public statements.
As one of the authors who popularized the term "Dominionism" (along with Sara Diamond, and Fred Clarkson), I feel some obligation to clear up this confusion, which stems from some very sloppy research posted on a number of websites where the terms "Dominionism," "Dominion Theology," and "Christian Reconstructionism" are used improperly and interchangeably. "
There is much more...the author seems to be trying to draw back what we now realise about the dominionists is true. The DO want to dominate the rest of us under a theocratic rule.
Many of us would not realise it except for past dealings with these religious oppressor want to bes.