8 is currently under appeal in the Courts. We are part of an endeavor to sign as many labor organizations on as possible to an Amicus Brief supporting overturning the proposition.
Please help us reach out to as many union locals, Central Labor Councils, constituency group chapters, and any other local labor organizations as possible. Urge your leadership to sign on to this Brief.
Here's what to do:
1. Urge your local labor leaders to sign on to the labor amicus opposing Prop 8.
2. Have them send an email or letter to William Sokol, labor attorney for the amicus. (See below for sample correspondence.) Organizations must sign up by January 15.
3. Be sure to include T Santora, Pride At Work Co-President, in this correspondence:
Thank you so much for your efforts to repeal Prop 8 and restore marriage rights for all!
Here's a sample:
William Sokol
1001 Marina Village Parkway, Suite 200
Alameda, CA 94501-1091
TEL (510) 337 1001
FAX (510) 337 1023
Hello Bill:
Please add
onto the amicus brief opposing Prop 8 that you are working on. I am authorized to approve this action on behalf of .
You may send an electronic copy of the brief to us care of this email address.