Cleveland's domestic partner registry allows gay and straight couples to seek recognition of their union from the city. Ohio passed one of the toughest gay marriage bans in the country four years ago. To ensure that the registry does not run afoul of the state's prohibition it lacks any force of law and guarantees no protections whatsoever.
Any benefits given to couples would be strictly voluntary. (1)
Joe CimpermanCouncilman Joe Cimperman (2) sponsored the measure.
The ministers say the measure was rushed in an attempt to choke off debate.
Councilman Joe Cimperman, who sponsored the measure, disagreed, saying there was ample opportunity for debate.
Sabra Pierce ScottSabra Pierce Scott (3) elected official - obstructing and grandstanding.
“Like many bills passed by their assigned committee, the registry was also vetted by the Finance Committee, primarily to consider any budgetary concerns.
But opponents in Finance attempted to stop or stall it, grandstanding for the cable TV audience, and questioning every line of the already-approved ordinance.
Led by Majority Leader Sabra Pierce Scott... opponents did this by offering amendments that were not germane to the ordinance, questioning language that had already been explained and approved in previous hearings, and arguing with attorneys over how words might be parsed, even when told that the meaning of the language was clear and used in other cities without a problem.”
Pierce Scott ...
was also the sole vote against a pair of resolutions passed on November 17 to support the state Equal Housing and Employment Act and the Transgender Day of Remembrance.
Pierce Scott offered amendments and demanded answers to non-sequitur questions to make sure, she said, “that it was clean, clear legislation to reduce the city’s risk of suit.”(4)
“Sabra Scott Pierce: Ward 8 councilwoman ...has been a leader in the Glenville community for years but
has an atrocious attendance record at Council meetings.”(5)
The Local Pastors Eight local pastors have joined in an effort to repeal Cleveland's recently passed domestic-partner registry. The group led by the Rev. C. Jay Matthews of Mount Sinai Baptist Church is circulating two types of petitions, one of which could put the issue on a citywide referendum ballot. (6)
Rev. C. Jay Matthews“Asked if the pastors' opposition centers on their beliefs regarding homosexuality, Mr. Matthews acknowledged that "in our religious understanding, that lifestyle goes against God." <6>
The Rev. C. Jay Matthews: pastor of the 4,000-member Mount Sinai Baptist Church... is also actively involved in a number of nonprofits, including the Greater Cleveland Partnership and United Way.(5)
Mr. Mathews “vocally supported Bush's reelection.”(5)
Rev. Marvin McMickleMarvin McMickle - pastor and Democratic politician.
A pastor who once ran against the late Stephanie Tubbs Jones and a Cleveland Municipal Court judge have joined the race to represent the 11th Congressional District. The entries of the
Rev. Marvin McMickle, pastor at Antioch Baptist Church, and Judge Michael Ryan bring the list of announced candidates to six. (7)
The Rev. Marvin McMickle was a former Obama delegate.(8)
In 1999, “the Rev. Marvin McMickle has said he would vote for a federal gay and lesbian civil rights law. McMickle, a prominent Cleveland minister who is running for U.S. Senate, spoke with the Chronicle to clarify homophobic-sounding remarks he made during a television interview.
During the interview, McMickle referred to passages from Leviticus which identify "sinful" sexual behaviors, including homosexuality, bestiality, adultery, incest, pedophilia, and having sexual intercourse with a woman during her menstrual period.
Several members of the gay community called the Chronicle after seeing McMickle’s television appearance. One caller, who asked to remain anonymous, quoted McMickle:
"He said, ‘Thou shalt not lie down with beasts,’ implying that homosexuality was like bestiality," the caller said. "It really got me because that was the same line used to justify racism. It worried me because he was just appointed to the Ryan White planning council and he is running for the Senate. I think the gay community needs to know where he stands on gay issues." (9)
Back in 1999, when gay rights was moving forward."Reverend McMickle’s comments were taken out of context," said Sheldon. "The report was about the increasing number of churches that are open and affirming to gays and lesbians. Most churches say that they are open to everyone, with the understanding that most people have engaged in immoral behaviors of some kind. Open and affirming churches say they believe homosexuality is not immoral."
"McMickle was asked, "If you were on the Lakewood City Council considering an ordinance to grant domestic partnership benefits to same-sex couples, how would you vote?"
McMickle responded, "First of all, I would never be on a city council. The work that is being done at the local level is a really waste of time because it is going to challenged in the courts and probably get undone anyway. You have to start at the top, at the federal level, to get any real changes made. That’s why I want to run for the U.S. Congress."(9)