Edited on Fri Jan-16-09 04:23 PM by Two Americas
I read through all of your posts from the links here. That gave me some insights.
You expressed surprise that people would post hateful things, and surprise that posts like that would not be yanked. There are many people here at DU that deny that hateful things toward gays are ever posted, and claim that all of the hatred is coming from the outraged gays who are hatefully labeling people as homophobic. I think the dispute and contention and the hard feelings are not so much about differing opinions as they are about differing perceptions of reality. People are "seeing" different realities. That makes understanding just about impossible.
I think that the only thing people ever asked for regarding the Warren issue was to be heard - not to be dismissed or ignored. That is the only way that we can overcome the gap - to understand the reality other people are living with. The resistance is not what people claim it to be - "don't get me wrong, I am on your side but I don't like the way you are going about this" - the resistance has been to listening, to hearing people. When people are not heard, are not listened to, naturally enough that is very frustrating and demeaning, and the inclination is to ramp up the rhetoric and to express resentment and anger. When those expressions of anger and resentment are then portrayed as the cause of the problem, and the original provocation is ignored, people justifiably feel even more marginalized, more dismissed and more mistreated. They ARE being dismissed and ignored and mistreated. When that is then followed by mocking and ridiculing and hostility the only sane and logical conclusion any of us could come to is that there is in fact hatred and bigotry toward GLBTQ people here. I am now absolutely dead certain that this is the case.
Being heard, being acknowledged and recognized and respected, is the very foundation of being seen as an equal, as a human being with full membership in the human community. All oppression and bigotry starts with not listening to people, not granting them that very basic human need. It is the first step in making people disappear, and the last step - the actual murdering of human beings - is a reality.
So why are we not listening?
Regarding your "gulp" thing - and I think you are a sincere person and I hope I can speak freely with you - I think that what happened for many people when the Warren discussions started is that they immediately started thinking about themselves, rather than about the issue. "Am I homophobic? Am I not? No, no, no I am nothing at all like that Warren asshole. Am I a good person? Am I a bigot? How dare they imply I am a bigot? Oh now I guess I will have to walk on eggshells. I don't think I am a bad person. Why should I have to walk on eggshells? I probably can't say anything without someone jumping on me. That isn't fair, is it? Why should I be abused? I don't hate gay people. I support gay rights."
It is impossible to listen to others when we are so obsessed with ourselves, when we can only see the issue in terms of what is going in internally. I think people started experiencing fear, confusion, shame, guilt and doubt in their minds about the Warren issue, and then projected that out onto others and blamed "the gays" for causing those feelings they had.
Wanna know how I can say this? Because that was my first reaction, too. But I came to this forum for the first time and I read what people had to say, and I shut up (big challenge for me.) I saw a lot of old friends, a lot of people I had admired over time, and I saw a few long time adversaries with whom I had argued with in the past. I saw some people I am crazy about, and some who have driven me crazy. Then I stumbled on the thread where people were posting their pictures, and I thought shit, wait a minute here, wait a minute, what is going on here? What am I feeling? I was sad, I was confused, I was hurt. My heart broke and I realized that I was overdue for one serious kick in the ass as a wake up call. That is what it took to get the truth through my thick skull.
Human beings. Human beings. Not "gays." WTF had I been thinking? It isn't about me. It doesn't matter what my "position" is on gay rights. It doesn't matter if I am offended. It doesn't matter if I think I have to walk on eggshells. All of that is petty and self-centered.
People want to be heard, need to be heard. It is a fundamental human need, and it is everyone's right to be heard. People were saying why can't we be heard? Why is our reality being denied? Why do we have to jump through hoops when others do not? Why are we permitted no mistakes? Why can't we be full partners, equal members of the community here? Why are we always put into a separate category, held to different standards?
All that we are being asked to do is listen. Stop worrying about ourselves and our eggshells and our resentment over being "labeled as bigots" and listen. We can do that. We should do that.