Edited on Wed Jan-21-09 08:26 PM by Mike 03
I feel that I owe this community an apology for spouting off, in another thread, because I had found nothing offensive about what Warren said yesterday, and saying that he sounded "inclusive". The fact of the matter is that I have never seen or heard the guy before yesterday, so my reaction was based on complete ignorance of his true feelings and things he had said or written in the past about the GLBT community.
This was a grave error on my part. I should have just trusted what you were all saying.
Anyone who could say or write some of the things he has apparently said and written to the GLBT community, or ever influenced or otherwise provoked ANYONE of another sexual orientation to harm his or herself, that notion is so repulsive to me that I completely retract everything I said about him. If he has harmed people in this community, that is shameful and I don't respect or foregive him for this.
My apologies for even believing anything he said yesterday. You were right all along.
This was an important lesson to me about when it is appropriate to just SHUT THE FUCK UP.