There is a beautiful orchard near me, on a slope along the lake, with hundreds of heirloom fruit varieties in it, and I was glad that a farmer I know was able to pick it up because I thought sure that it would go for development, being view property in a hot location. I didn't know the previous owner very well, so I didn't have much access to it, but I always wanted to get in there.
As soon as I heard that it had been saved, and sold to someone I know well, I jumped in the car ran down there. Rose, the new owner, was there sweeping out the fruit stand on the highway and cleaning it up, and she said "just the person I want to see. Run back there and take a look at those trees, because I want to know what I have there." Ah, free access to the orchard after years of wanting to get in. I asked her how things were going and she said "great, if I can just get the boys to get those damned houses out of there." Huh? "Houses?" I asked. "Yeah someone built five big houses on the ridge right in the middle of the orchard. I want them out of there so we can put more fruit trees in." Hah! All over the country they are tearing out orchards to put in McMansions, and here Rose wants to tear out houses so she can plant fruit trees.
"The boys" - her husband and brother-in-law - did pull the houses out, and sold them "cash and carry" - lol. So funny. Only a framer would sell brand new houses on a cash and carry basis.
So I walked back into the orchard. It was so beautiful; 70 degrees, blue sky with a few puffy clouds, gentle breeze. From the top of the ridge you could look out on Lake Michigan. Hundreds of apricot trees, dozens of varieties, all laden with fruit just hanging in clusters, all different shades of yellow, orange, red and maroon, and then rows and rows of cherry trees, dark sweets, light sweets, tarts. It was all breathtakingly beautiful.
It was all so perfect. I thought a lot about "ownership" and what is of value and what isn't as I walked that orchard that day. That beautiful orchard had been saved, they ripped out those ugly Mansions, put them on blocks and sold them off cheap, cash and carry - "get those things out of here!" Rose said lol - without a moment's thought about the hundreds of thousands of dollars they were passing up by doing that, a good crop was ripening and coming in...
I thought this is what it really means to be a "winner" - everybody wins. This is what it really means to be "wealthy" - we all benefit, and we all have everything we could ever possibly need.